Disrupted Plans

Recently on a business trip, how did I make the best use of a couple hours of wait time at the airport you ask? By observing people, their various behaviors… and praying for people stressing out when their flights were delayed or gates changed. I have been in their shoes many times and have acted similarly (and regrettably still do sometimes), but God has started to change me from the inside out. Praise God for the work He has done in me – and is still doing in all those professing that He is Lord.
As I sat there, I immediately went to being thankful for what Faith Christian School (FCS) is doing to educate young people. They teach with a Christ-centered world view, and encourage their students to be powerful witnesses in all of life’s circumstances. As FCS prepares to open the new elementary campus, I couldn’t help but reflect on my first introduction to FCS and to Christian education.
Over 21 years ago, we found FCS. It’s been, and continues to be, a powerful influence in my life and in the lives of my family.
I became a brand new Christian at the age 34, and it was the first year of having children at FCS. I found myself studying my children’s text books. I was amazed to read and learn for the first time about God’s plans and influences for every academic subject.
The other powerful aspect (that my wife and I had not experienced before in interacting with teachers at other schools) was the love teachers had for the school ministry and for the children. We have seen this play out time and time again with our children and now with our grandchildren. FCS has been a blessing to my family and many others throughout its 35-year history, and I thank God FCS partnered with us to raise our children.
Proverbs 16:3 came to mind, reminding me to “Commit your work unto the Lord and the plans will be established.”

Why I Believe in Christian Education

I believe children come from God, as a blessing.. a reward… a profound responsibility.
Children too, are a gift from Adonai; the fruit of the womb is a reward. The children born when one is young are like arrows in the hand of a warrior. How blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them; he will not have to be embarrassed.Psalm 127
A dominant and repeated theme of the scriptures is this: responsibility and authority for the children is given by God to their parents.
To know, love and obey God
To pass it on to the next generation
I also believe it takes a family and the local church, in this fallen world and culture we live in, to raise Godly children.
Everyone has a world view, but the difference is where it comes from.
Partner with parents
Communicate and impart the Gospel of Christ
Teach and develop a Christian worldview
Convey, model, affirm and develop character based on Jesus character
Teach right from wrong; per Jesus example of a love for righteousness and a hatred for evil
Work to proclaim, present and live out the Gospel in every day life
Hire staff that love God and His Word, love children and feel called to teach
Honor the principle of revelation: God must be embraced as God… God first, foremost and throughout
Practice the principle of integration, educating from a Biblical and Christ-like worldview in all subjects
We live in a fallen world; unfriendly and even hostile to Jesus, Biblical Truth and the church.